Posted tagged ‘blogging’

Not Only am I Alive, But Big Things are Happening

November 4, 2009

In the time since I’ve posted last, there have been two major “deals” in the works. One sort of died on the vine and the other has started as of today. I penned the first of what I hope will be many well-received articles over at the Huffington Post. The topic is one that I’ve touched on before, and written pieces that are related to this in the past. This article, though, meshed well with their Obama coverage coordinated to be one year after the election. Now that I’m done “holding off” on writing something until I know what people will want from me, I can start to write here and there regularly again… Sorry for the delay.

Please go check out my inaugural Huffington Post article here.


The Post Pipeline: June 12th, 2008

June 12, 2008

Okay folks, I’m not dead. I moved, went for a reunion, and other assorted things. I said before that I wanted to start posting my post ideas… hopefully some of you will enjoy thinking about them while I do. So, without further adieu, the first “post pipeline”

1. Why facebook should buy Yelp — As I think about the problem with facebook monetizing it’s traffic, the issue seems pretty clear. There is no link between social networking and commerce… I’m your friend, great. Now, add something focused and with some commercial application, and you can sell ads better.

2. Why Google should buy the New York Times — This has been rumored, but I came up with it on my own, I promise. Firstly, Google can monetize traffic more effectively. Second, the times has built a very sophisticated content management system. Google can leverage that.

3. A surprise multi-part series. This will essentiall break down something very complex, piece by piece. I hope this will be a great addition to the regular posts I write.

4. The role of ego in finance — This is an important trait that allows bigger, better, and innovative things. It’s an important thing, so it should be discussed. Obviously, there are perils.

5. A series where I argue two sides of one issue. Been batting this one around for a while. So far, the title I have selected is “Devil’s J.D./M.B.A.” … play on advocate and brings business into it. Please help with the title… please!

6. A post on Sovereign Wealth Funds — I’m skeptical this one will materialize. It’s interesting to think about some things relating to SWFs, but this keeps dragging on. We’ll see…

Some interesting things:

A. Consumerist — Go there right now. It’s simply amazing. The personal empowerment and the blunt forced instruments afforded to a consumer looking to help themselves (executive info, B.B.B., consumer protection laws and rights, etc.) are extremely interesting as they have that human drama element and have a “big guy” versus the “little guy.”

B. Concept for Mobile FireFox — Simple and amazingly powerful. Very intuitive. iPhone, are you listening?